Thank you for taking a moment to read a little about what we do! In November 2020 I started a simple Facebook post to give 100 stockings to children in the community for Christmas. The response was amazing! We initially filled 350 stockings, and donated 100 of those to the Holidays with Heroes program. We planned a distribution event at the QT on E 30th and University, and were over-whelmed with the amount of people who came out seeking help. We quickly ran out of stockings, but started taking information from people in line so we could help as many as possible. We took information for another 300 stockings.
From the first week in November until the 2nd week of December we filled and distributed 650 stockings! It was such a great experience we decided the need was there, so we made this an annual event. We have decided to keep our dedication to the Holidays with Heroes program each year so those children can take stockings to their siblings and have one for themselves. We set a 2021 goal of 1500 and are positive we can reach it! We would love to be able to exceed our goal as we are sure the need is there. If you would like to see a small snip of our event, KCCI came out and did a story. You can find it on their website.
While we have an amazing group of people who helped us last year, we will need additional help to be able to achieve this. Within the stockings we are adding some necessary items such as toothbrushes, hats, gloves and books. As we grow, we would like to expand our giving area even farther than Des Moines.
Since we are trying to grow at an incredible rate, we have applied for a 501C certificate with the state and are working through the steps to become our own non-profit.
We would be grateful for any donations of candy, toys, books, hats, gloves, toothbrushes etc. to fill our stockings. Monetary donations are gladly accepted also, so we are able to purchase items.
Everyone in our committee is a parent and/or grandparent and loves nothing more than to put smiles on children’s faces.
We are very excited to see how far we are able to go with our stocking giveaway! Our future goal would be to look at other Holiday giveaways such as food baskets, Easter baskets etc. We want to help as much as we can, and with your help, we will get there.